Aikido of Santa Cruz
Online Class Registration

Please fill out the form on this page to gain access to our online donation-based classes. Once you register, you’ll be able to attend ASC online classes. You’ll also receive periodic class updates and links, with access to instructional materials and other inspirational content.

The online Misogi classes with Holiday Sensei have been an excellent addition to my Aikido practice. In my 40 years of training, few of my instructors have encouraged such reflection on the philosophical principles of Aikido. Holiday Sensei’s deep knowledge of the Japanese language underpins her explanations of what the Japanese terminology really means and how O Sensei used the terms. The concepts she discusses in the Misogi classes have stimulated me to explore new principles in my own teaching on the mat, and my students have seen and valued this new perspective.
— Online Class Student
In the Misogi classes, the learning about the realm of Aikido becomes infinite, when Linda Sensei and other teachers from the community bring the wisdom of their studies. I feel I reach other layers in my being. Things get clearer, focus is increased, and there is always something new to learn. With the community that gathers online every week, I find myself in a safe environment, inspired and supported. I have my individual journey, but I’m not alone — I’m surrounded by an immense family, composed of many, many years of Aikido experience. There is a familiarity nourished each session we are together.
— Online Class Student