Nico Secunda

Nico Secunda

Nico Secunda (4th Dan Aikikai) is the Exectutive Director and Chief Instructor at Aikido of Santa Cruz, where he began his study of Aikido at a young age with Linda Holiday Sensei and othe senior teachers. For nearly 30 years, Nico has dedicated himself to the teachings of Aikido and to embodying the spirit of nature through his movement.

As a close student of Motomichi Anno Shihan (8th Dan), Nico has journeyed to Japan many times to deepen his practice and connection with the roots of Aikido.

The son of renowned shaman and spiritual teacher Brant Secunda, Nico completed an intensive shamanic apprenticeship with his father at twenty-one years of age and is also the Executive Director of the Dance of the Deer Foundation – Center for Shamanic Studies. In addition, he is also the Co-Founder of the Huichol Foundation, which provides economic and cultural support to the indigenous Wixáritari (Huichol tribe) of Mexico.

Nico is also a member of the Aikido for Tomorrow initiative, striving to support the future generations of Aikido practitioners around the globe.